Not all hotel rooms are created equal; and that saying may be true for most guest rooms. If you are having family or friends stay in your home, consider making it as inviting as any upscale, hotel suite.
First, determine what size bed is ideal for your home. It may depend on the size of the room. But it also may depend on how the room will be utilized to its maximum potential. Twin beds are ideal for any homeowner tight on space, meaning there is only one room available in the home and it has to meet the needs for a variety of guests. Twin beds are perfect for two people who would likely share a room together but maybe not the same bed. Twins, as well as full beds, can be purchased in extra long lengths if necessary.
Custom daybeds are a refreshing choice for any guest suite. You can use a twin, full or queen mattress depending on the design of the bed. Daybeds can be used as a bed but also serve as a comfortable place to read or watch television.
Murphy beds are a great way to turn any room into a bedroom if space is limited. Murphy beds, or wall beds, are hinged at one end to be stored vertically. This bed folds right up into the closet.
Two beds can have one headboard as shown in this photo. This approach is so refreshing and adds some character to the space.
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If you think your attic space may be too small, think again. Lining the beds up on one wall can give you a new guest room that you didn’t know you had.